It’s been said that 99% of the world’s products come from ships. That’s why the shipping industry is the single most vital link in the supply chain. The waterfront itself is a complex, fast-moving place, with sophisticated machinery and technology which demands a highly trained workforce to keep it running smoothly.
We supply a trained, skilled and reliable workforce to a dynamic, vital industry, helping ship owners and agents, stevedores and terminal owners move cargo to and from the waterfront. Every hour of every day, we’re at work at every port in BC. In every kind of weather, on every kind of vessel. Lumber. Coal. Grain. Potash. Not to mention containers which deliver the latest smartphone, must-have fashion item or electric car. We even work with cruise ships.
There are 8,500+ longshore workers in BC. They all need to be trained, and they all want to find work. And that’s where the SWAGºÏ¼¯ comes in.
SWAGºÏ¼¯â€™s Information Services department develops and supports a variety of custom systems aimed at aiding our members in their day-to-day operations. By providing real-time data as well as analysis of labour supply vs. demand, labour costs, modelling of labour pools, and other business related data, we provide our partners with on-going information that lets them make solid, informed decisions.
As our members continue to introduce new technology in their operations, Information Services is committed to ensuring that the right infrastructure and systems are in place to ensure that we are aligned with their needs, and that there is a balanced exchange of technological reliance.
One of our core priorities is the efficiency of the Vancouver Dispatch Centre longshore labour hiring hall. Every day, almost 2,000 longshore workers with different skill sets and ratings are looking to fill one of up to 1,200 job requirements of different types, spread over 3 shifts.
Within 30 minutes, 3 times a day, the Dispatch Centre matches the job requirements to available labour–an ability that is only possible through the advanced technology and systems we have developed.
From network design to custom applications and front-line support from our customer care team, Information Services draws on the best technology and talent available to ensure that our systems are the best in efficiency, security and reliability.